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We follow a project methodology of which the implementation methodology is a part.

Project and Implementation Methodology


  • Project methodology 

    • The project methodology is based on many, many years of implementing ERP solutions. It is a holistic approach to automating nearly all the business functions in a company. The major project phases include discovery of current systems and requirements, best practices, plan to implement to best practices and meet requirements, cost break even analysis, team building, training, exploring alternative solutions, selecting best solution, logical design, physical design, installation, configuration, automation, customizaton,  pilot, testing, production and maintenance. 

    • Details

  • Implementation methodology 

    • The implementation methodology goes into more detail of installation/deployment, configuration, data migration, automation, customization, integration, development, pilot, testing and production. 

    • The major steps are as follows:

      1. Define your requirements: The requirements are generally classified as Essential, Desirable, Not an immediate need, and Nice to have.

      2. Choose your deployment option: Acumatica customers can deploy either in the cloud (Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS) on premises.

      3. Assemble your team: Your internal team will consist of both full-time and part-time members during the installation process.

      4. Develop a project plan: The project plan will keep the project on time and on budget while ensuring the requirements are met.

      5. Develop a data migration plan: Data migration falls within the project plan, but its critically important that you define and order the tasks involved in preparing and migrating data from your old system(s) to Acumatica.

      6. Develop a test plan: This plan ensures that the new system meets the requirements.

      7. Develop a training plan: Training your staff fully ensures adoption and user satisfaction.

      8. Plan for go-live: Decide which go-live approach you want (Big Bang, Phased Approach, or Parallel Operation or a combination of two or three) and start reaping the benefits of Acumatica cloud ERP.

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